1,273 research outputs found

    La nostra verità: immaginazione ed esperienza della realtà nella filosofia di Iris Murdoch

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    Murdoch seems to explore the role played by imagination in the grasp of truth throughout both her philosophical activity and her work as a novelist, thus providing fertile ground for the dialogue between them. An analysis of her philosophical treatment of imagination is here put forth, as a preliminary step towards that dialogue. The whole analysis is based on the assumption that imagination lies at the core of Murdoch’s ethics of vision; furthermore, Murdoch’s emphasis on the interpenetration between aesthetic and moral imagination and her idea of art as the great clue to morals are regarded as methodological pointers, suggesting to trace out the cognitive role of imagination and its moral import by clarifying the sense in which we are all artists. Imagination then emerges as a mediating function involved in the activity of picturing what is other, so that the individual’s interpretative engagement with reality relies on it. To shed more light on its significance, the following issues are also dealt with: the role of imagination in balancing the demands of form and contingency; the experience of the world as a task for the creative imagination of individuals (i.e. Murdoch’s reworking of Kant’s theory of imagination); the bond between imagination and Eros and the transformation of both required for realism; the achievements and limits of imagination as the hallmark of the human condition in relation to the truth

    Could vocational education benefit from augmented reality and hypervideo technologies? An exploratory interview study

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    Context: This study investigates the perspective of vocational educators on the possibility of adopting augmented reality (AR) and hypervideo (HV) technologies to support their teaching practice. Vocational education and training (VET) is particularly concerned with the learning of resources (knowledge, skills and attitudes) that are immediately transposable into conduct and procedures in the workplace. AR and HV can provide means to answer this requirement, but both technological solutions are still not so diffused in VET. The purpose of this study is to inquire into the perception of educators on the main advantages and disadvantages of using AR and HV to support teaching-and-learning. Methods: A semi-structured interview protocol has been proposed to 73 teachers, intercompany trainers and in-company trainers in 10 professions (at least two per category within each profession). The interview was organized in two main steps: A need analysis, in which the most important and difficult operative skills are identified for the interviewee\u27s profession; and a discussion of advantages and disadvantages of AR and HV. Content analysis was applied to the interview transcriptions. Results: The results show that the main advantages reported in the literature for the two technologies – such as the ability to switch between 2D and 3D and carry out simulations – are also found in the VET context by educators. For HV the main technical advantages (such as the use of active points, and non-linear navigation of video content) were autonomously recognised, while the potential of the instrument to support reflection has not been clearly identified. Conclusions: AR and HV are considered as tools able to support apprentices\u27 procedural learning especially with regard to the operational skills which were judged by the educators to be most relevant for VET. (DIPF/Orig.

    Association between Immunosenescence, Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Frailty Syndrome in Older Adults

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    Aging is associated with changes in the immune system, increased inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction. The relationship between these phenomena and the clinical phenotype of frailty is unclear. Here, we evaluated the immune phenotypes, T cell functions and mitochondrial functions of immune cells in frail and robust older subjects. We enrolled 20 frail subjects age- and gender-matched with 20 robust controls, and T cell phenotype, response to immune stimulation, cytokine production and immune cell mitochondrial function were assessed. Our results showed that numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were decreased in frail subjects, without impairment to their ratios. Memory and naïve T cells were not significantly affected by frailty, whereas the expression of CD28 but not that of ICOS was decreased in T cells from frail subjects. T cells from robust subjects produced more IL-17 after CD28 stimulation. Levels of serum cytokines were similar in frail subjects and controls. Mitochondrial bioenergetics and ATP levels were significantly lower in immune cells from frail subjects. In conclusion, we suggest that changes in T cell profiles are associated with aging rather than with frailty syndrome; however, changes in T cell response to immune stimuli and reduced mitochondrial activity in immune cells may be considered hallmarks of frailty

    Land use change to perennial energy crops in Northern Italy: Effects on soil organic carbon sequestration and distribution, soil enzyme activities and microbial communities.

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    Studies on soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration in perennial energy crops are available for North-Central Europe, while there is insufficient information for Southern Europe. This research was conducted in the Po Valley, a Mediterranean-temperate zone characterised by low SOC levels, due to intensive management. The aim was to assess the factors influencing SOC sequestration and its distribution through depth and within soil fractions, after a 9-year old conversion from two annual systems to Miscanthus (Miscanthus × giganteus) and giant reed (Arundo donax). The 13C natural abundance was used to evaluate the amount of SOC in annual and perennial species, and determine the percentage of carbon derived from perennial crops. SOC was significantly higher under perennial species, especially in the topsoil (0-0.15 m). After 9 years, the amount of C derived from Miscanthus was 18.7 Mg ha-1, mostly stored at 0-0.15 m, whereas the amount of C derived from giant reed was 34.7 Mg ha-1, evenly distributed through layers. Physical soil fractionation was combined with 13C abundance analysis. C derived from perennial crops was mainly found in macroaggregates. Under giant reed, more newly derived-carbon was stored in microaggregates and mineral fraction than under Miscanthus. A molecular approach based on denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) allowed to evaluate changes on microbial community, after the introduction of perennial crops. Functional aspects were investigated by determining relevant soil enzymes (β-glucosidase, urease, alkaline phosphatase). Perennial crops positively stimulated these enzymes, especially in the topsoil. DGGE profiles revealed that community richness was higher in perennial crops; Shannon index of diversity was influenced only by depth. In conclusion, Miscanthus and giant reed represent a sustainable choice for the recovery of soils exhausted by intensive management, also in Mediterranean conditions and this is relevant mainly because this geographical area is notoriously characterised by a rapid turnover of SOC

    Predictors of psychological health in couples diagnosed with Male infertility: A dyadic approach.

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    Background: Research underlined that infertile men may experience sense of guilt and failure, loss of self-esteem, high psychosocial and marital stress, and psychological suffering, but little attention was given to individual and dyadic dynamics featuring both partners diagnosed with male infertility. Objective: The study aimed to apply the Actor-Partner-Interdependence Model (APIM) to investigate actor and partner effects of infertility-related stressors (Social Concern, Need for Parenthood, Rejection of Childfree Lifestyle, Couple’s Relationship Concern), coping strategies (Social Support, Avoiding, Positive Attitude, Problem-Solving, Turning to Religion) and dyadic adjustment dimensions (Consensus, Satisfaction, Cohesion, Affectional Expression) on perceived levels of state-anxiety and depression among both members of couples diagnosed with male infertility. Method: Both members of 80 couples with male infertility diagnosis completed self-administered questionnaires. Results: Perception of Social and Couple’s Relationship Concerns and adoption of Avoiding and Turning to Religion coping emerged as risk factors for both partners. Adoption of Social Support and Problem-Solving coping and partners’ perception of Rejection of Childfree Lifestyle emerged as risk factors, while the perception of dyadic adjustment and partners’ adoption of Social Support coping, emerged as protective factors for men's psychological health. Perception of Need for Parenthood and partners’ perception of Rejection of Childfree Lifestyle emerged as risk factors, while the perception of Cohesion, and partners’ perception of Social and Couple’s Relationship Concerns and adoption of Positive Attitude coping, emerged as protective factors for women's psychological health. Conclusions: The study suggested specific individual and dyadic dynamics to be addressed for developing tailored interventions to promote psychological health in couples diagnosed with male infertility

    Paths towards parenthood after repeated treatment failures: a comparative study on predictors of psychological health outcomes in infertile couples persisting in treatments or opting for adoption

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    Introduction: Infertility literature suggests widespread recourse to long-term medical treatments despite evidence of high stress, costs, and adverse effects of repeated treatment failures. However, there is a lack of research comparing predictors of stress and psychological health outcomes between members of infertile couples who – after repeated failures – persist in pursuing medical treatments (PT) with those who opted for quitting treatments and adopting (QTA). Basing on a transactional and multidimensional approach to infertility-related stress and health, the present study aims at exploring individual (socio-demographics; coping strategies) and situational (infertility-related parameters; infertility-related stressors; couple’s dyadic adjustment dimensions) predictors of state-anxiety and depression in male and female partners of PT-infertile couples and of QTA-infertile couples. Methods: Participants were both members of 176 couples with duration of infertility and a history of medical treatments for at least 3 years (76 PT-infertile couples, 100 QTA-infertile couples). The study variables were compared by study group across genders. Structural equation models (SEM) were used to test main and moderating effects of study variables on state-anxiety and depression by study group and across genders. Results: Members of infertile couples quitting treatments and adopting (QTA) reported significantly lower levels of state-anxiety and depression, higher stress related to need for parenthood and rejection of childfree-lifestyle and lower stress related to social and couple’s relationship concerns than those who persist in pursuing medical treatments (PT). Members of infertile couples quitting treatments and adopting (QTA) recurred to a greater extent to active coping strategies (problem-solving/social-support) and to a lower extent to passive coping strategies (avoiding/turning-to-religion), and they reported higher levels of dyadic adjustment. Specificities in main and moderating factors related to state-anxiety and depression by study group and across genders were found. Conclusion: Findings should be addressed to provide a comprehensive assessment of both members of infertile couples facing repeated treatment failures to identify risks and resources and develop tailored evidence-based interventions

    Strategie di coping, qualità di vita, adattamento diadico e salute psicologica nelle coppie infertili: un approccio multidimensionale

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    Dall’analisi della letteratura sull’infertilità è emerso che il momento in cui una donna e il suo partner apprendono di non poter avere figli può essere definito come una vera e propria "crisi di vita", che coinvolge diversi piani esistenziali dando luogo a senso di inadeguatezza, vissuti di frustrazione, stress, e perdita (Wischmann, Stammer, Scherg, Gerhard, and Verres, 2001). La diagnosi di infertilità, infatti, incide sia dal punto di vista individuale, generando riduzione dell’autostima, senso di colpa, paura, ostilità, tristezza, sia dal punto di vista dei vissuti di coppia. Infine, ricerche recenti si sono focalizzate sulla percezione della qualità della vita in relazione all’esperienza di infertilità, facendo riferimento alla definizione di qualità della vita proposta dall’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità, secondo cui essa è costituita dalla percezione individuale della propria posizione in relazione al contesto culturale, al sistema dei valori e ai propri obiettivi, aspettative, ideali e interessi. La qualità della vita comprende dimensioni quali il benessere emozionale, le attività sociali, la salute fisica, il contesto di appartenenza e le credenze personali (Skevington et al., 2004) . L’infertilità ed i trattamenti ad essa connessi hanno un impatto molto significativo quindi sulla qualità di vita percepita dalla persona (Schmidt, 2006; Verhaak et al., 2007; Chachamovich et al., 2010). Per esempio, l’infertilità risulta essere negativamente associata al benessere relazionale, sessuale e psicosociale (Phipps, 1993; Drosdzol and Skrzypulec, 2008). I pazienti infertili sperimentano maggiori livelli di stress e di tensione nella relazione con il proprio partner. A causa di questo forte impatto, la miglior pratica nel trattamento dell’infertilità dovrebbe prevedere un approccio olistico ed integrare la qualità della vita nella clinica pratica (Boivin et al., 2008). La diagnosi di infertilità influenza anche la percezione di adattamento e la soddisfazione di coppia (Peterson et al., 2008; Chachamovich et al., 2009). Molto significative, pur essendo meno numerose, sono le ricerche che esplorano l’impatto dell’infertilità sulla percezione di adattamento diadico, che, secondo Spanier, deriva dall’interazione di quattro dimensioni: la soddisfazione; la coesione; il consenso e l’espressione affettiva (Spanier, 1976). Ricerche effettuate hanno evidenziato, infatti, effetti negativi dell’infertilità sull’adattamento di coppia percepito in quanto le coppie infertili sperimentano più frequentemente difficoltà relazionali, nella vita sessuale, e riduzione dell’impegno coniugale e del dialogo (Wirtberg, et al. 2007)

    Targeting the cation-chloride co-transporter NKCC1 to re-establish GABAergic inhibition and an appropriate excitatory/inhibitory balance in selective neuronal circuits: a novel approach for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease

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    GABA, the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the adult brain, depolarizes and excites immature neurons because of an initially higher intracellular chloride concentration [Cl-]i due to the delayed expression of the chloride exporter KCC2 at birth. Depolarization-induced calcium rise via NMDA receptors and voltage-dependent calcium channels is instrumental in shaping neuronal circuits and in controlling the excitatory (E)/inhibitory (I) balance in selective brain areas. An E/I imbalance accounts for cognitive impairment observed in several neuropsychiatric disorders. The aim of this review is to summarize recent data on the mechanisms by which alterations of GABAergic signaling alter the E/I balance in cortical and hippocampal neurons in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and the role of cation-chloride co-transporters in this process. In particular, we discuss the NGF and AD relationship and how mice engineered to express recombinant neutralizing anti-NGF antibodies (AD11 mice), which develop a neurodegenerative pathology reminiscent of that observed in AD patients, exhibit a depolarizing action of GABA due to KCC2 impairment. Treating AD and other forms of dementia with bumetanide, a selective KCC2 antagonist, contributes to re-establishing a proper E/I balance in selective brain areas, leading to amelioration of AD symptoms and the slowing down of disease progression

    Sudden valproate-induced hyperammonemia managed with L-carnitine in a medically healthy bipolar patient: Essential review of the literature and case report

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    Valproic Acid is a commonly used psychiatric drug primarily used as a mood stabilizer. Mild hyperammonemia is a Valproic Acid common adverse effect. This report presents an example of treated hyperammonemia on Valproic acid therapy managed with L-carnitine administration in BD patients characterized by sudden vulnerability